Public Interest

Do employees expect their companies to take a stand and speak on social issues?

Over the past few years, there has been a growing expectation for companies to take a stand on social issues. From climate change to racial justice, employees, customers, and other stakeholders are increasingly looking to businesses to use their influence and resources to drive positive change in society. But do employees really expect their companies to take a stand and speak out on social issues?

The short answer is yes. According to a recent survey conducted by Edelman, the majority of consumers said they would buy or boycott a brand solely because of its position on a social or political issue.

There are several reasons why employees expect their companies to take a stand on social issues.

  •  Many employees want to work for companies that share their values and beliefs. In today's job market, employees have more leverage and can choose to work for companies that align with their personal values. A company that takes a stand on social issues can help attract and retain employees who share those values.
  • Employees want to be proud of the organization for which they work. When a company takes a stand on a social issue, employees  feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves, and that their work is making a positive impact on society.
  • Employees expect their companies to be responsible corporate citizens. This means that they want their employers to use their resources and influence to make a positive impact on society. By taking a stand on social issues, companies can demonstrate their commitment to being responsible corporate citizens.

However, taking a stand on social issues is not without risks. It can be difficult for companies to navigate the complex and divisive social issues of our time without alienating customers or employees who hold different views. Companies also run the risk of being accused of "woke-washing" or using social issues to advance their own interests without making a real impact on society.

Despite the risks, there are ways for companies to take a stand on social issues in a way that is authentic and aligned with their values. Here are some best practices for companies looking to take a stand on social issues:

  • Align with your values: Companies should take a stand on social issues that are aligned with their core values and beliefs. This ensures that the company's stance is authentic and credible.
  • Listen to employees and stakeholders: Companies should listen to their employees and other stakeholders to understand their views and concerns on social issues. This helps ensure that the company's stance is informed by diverse perspectives.
  • Be transparent: Companies should be transparent about their stance on social issues and the actions they are taking to drive change. This increases employee and customer confidence.
  • Take action: Companies should take concrete actions to drive positive change on the social issues they are taking a stand on. This shows that the company is committed to making a real impact on society, rather than just using social issues for marketing purposes.

In conclusion, employees do expect their companies to take a stand and speak out on social issues. By doing so, companies can attract and retain employees who share their values, create a sense of pride and purpose among employees, and demonstrate their commitment to being responsible corporate citizens.