Public Interest

How to develop an effective HR framework: Mission, Vision, and Values

Human resources (HR) is a crucial function in any organization, responsible for managing the workforce and ensuring that the organization has the right people with the right skills to achieve its goals. To effectively manage an organization's human resources, it is important to have a strategic HR framework that guides decision-making and sets the direction for HR policies and practices. A strategic HR framework consists of a mission statement, vision, and values that provide a clear understanding of the organization's goals and priorities and how HR will support them.

Mission Statement

The mission statement is a brief statement that describes the purpose of the organization and what it aims to achieve. The mission statement is the foundation of the strategic HR framework and should be clear and concise. A well-crafted mission statement can help to align HR policies and practices with the overall goals of the organization. The mission statement should be communicated clearly and regularly to all employees to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

  • For example, a mission statement for an organization could be "To provide high-quality products and services to our customers while maintaining a positive and supportive work environment for our employees." This statement highlights the dual goals of the organization – providing quality products and services to customers and creating a positive work environment for employees.


The vision statement is a forward-looking statement that describes what the organization wants to achieve in the future. The vision statement is aspirational and should be ambitious but achievable. The vision statement should inspire and motivate employees to work towards a common goal.

  • For example, a vision statement for an organization could be "To be the leading provider of innovative and sustainable products and services in our industry." This statement sets a clear goal for the organization and provides direction for HR policies and practices.


Values are the guiding principles that inform decision-making and behavior in an organization. Values reflect the culture of the organization and provide a framework for how employees are expected to behave. Values are essential in building a positive and supportive work environment and creating a sense of shared purpose and identity among employees.

  • For example, values for an organization could include "Integrity – We act with honesty and transparency in all our interactions", "Teamwork – We work collaboratively and support each other to achieve our goals", and "Innovation – We are constantly seeking new and better ways to improve our products and services."

Developing a strategic HR framework is a collaborative process that involves input from all levels of the organization. HR leaders should work closely with senior leaders to develop a mission statement, vision, and values that reflect the goals and priorities of the organization. In conclusion, a strategic HR framework is essential for effective HR management. A mission statement, vision, and values provide a clear understanding of the organization's goals and priorities and how HR will support them. Developing a strategic HR framework is a collaborative process that involves input from all levels of the organization. By aligning HR policies and practices with the strategic HR framework, HR can help to drive business success and create a positive and supportive work environment for employees.