Public Interest

How to conduct a flawless employee performance review

An employee performance review, also known as a performance appraisal, is a vital component of an organization's overall employee performance management plan. Fundamentally, the goal is to discuss the impact of an employee's performance on the organisation and specify specific activities to assist them grow and develop.

Tips for a flawless performance review 

If done correctly, regular performance reviews can be an excellent tool for fostering continual progress. Both managers and employees may regard an incorrectly performed operation as a time waster. So, here are some pointers to help you write an excellent performance review.

Modernize the employee performance review process

The way many companies operate has evolved significantly during the last few years. Since the start of the pandemic, there have been changes in the workplace, including an increase in the number of individuals who work remotely. Another reason is that thanks to technological improvements, organisations now have access to a variety of digital tools and solutions to streamline their internal operations.

Reviews of employee performance must change to meet the demands of the environment.

Make it a two-way conversation 

Make sure your employee performance reviews are two-way conversations in which both managers and employees actively participate. The employee being evaluated should participate in the conversation rather than simply listening to one-way input. Motivate employees to express their thoughts by asking follow-up questions. Assure them that they are in a safe place where they can express any worries or ideas. This method will make identifying strategies and targets for continuously enhancing their performance and development much easier.

Keep feedback constructive

A performance review will not always be filled with compliments and praise. When employees fail to fulfil expectations, you will almost always need to have difficult conversations. When this happens, make certain to provide constructive feedback. Do not simply bring out an employee's flaws. Give them advice and suggestions on how to improve their performance.

Aim for balanced feedback as well. Address their strengths and weaknesses in equal parts, and try to be positive in your remarks. A solid method for this is to frame the discussion around what an employee should stop doing, what they should start doing, and what they should keep doing. This will provide them with a useful path for improving their performance.

Be specific during your employee performance review

When providing feedback during an employee performance review, it is important to be as specific as possible. Give as much detail as possible to the employee, and use facts and specific examples to back up your feedback. The more specific your feedback, the simpler it will be for the employee to understand without feeling criticized or defensive.

Encourage employees to respond 

Finally, as previously said, two-way conversations are required for productive employee performance reviews. Pause after each point you make, allow the employee a chance to think about it, and then encourage them to react. Involve them in every stage of the process.

Active participation is important. The feedback provided by an employee is equally as valuable as the feedback you provide. Make it clear to them that you value their honest feedback.