Public Interest

Ways to reduce employee overtime

Labour budget can suffer with excessive overtime. Maintaining shift coverage at a time and a half is not cost-effective. Even if they like the pay, too much overtime can be harsh on employees.

Too much overtime might cause your staff to sleep poorly, leading to health difficulties and absence. Your employees' work-life balance will also be poor, causing stress.

Reducing employee overtime is not only a fantastic way to manage labor costs, but it is also an excellent way to care for the health and wellbeing of your employees. 

Consider the following strategies for reducing employee overtime:

  • Overtime as an exception, not a rule

The company's ethos begins at the top. If you regard overtime like any other hours worked and as a standard business practice, your employees will follow suit. Instead, overtime should be viewed as a last resort, not a primary option.

  • Ensure that your team has the proper tools and resources

Learning how to reduce overtime requires optimizing normal employee hours by working wiser, not longer. A variety of manual and administrative duties consume employee time throughout the day. The average worker spends over a quarter of their day perusing and responding to emails by themselves.

  • Identify overtime patterns

Paychecks should not be a surprise. Instead of being unpleasantly startled by employee overtime each pay period, anticipate employee overtime in advance. Modern scheduling applications and work management software allow employers to set up alerts for monitoring employee hours. If an employee has reached their weekly maximum or is working above their average, you will have time to modify their schedule.

  • Cross train employees

A "single point of failure" is a system component whose failure would bring the entire system to a standstill. If one employee is the most skilled or has the most experience, it is likely that they will take up the slack for everyone else. 

Spreading out responsibilities and specializations across the entire team is another method for reducing overtime. Instead of relying on a single competent employee, train other team members to take on additional responsibilities.

  • Try flexible work schedules to reduce overtime

The best labor is not limited to the hours of 9 to 5. It need not even take place in an office. Over half of employees report that if they must complete work, they would prefer and be more productive if they could do so at home rather than in the office.

Not all firms or people can work from home or have flexible hours. Staff can try telecommuting and flexible hours to cut overtime.

  • Cap overtime

Overtime pay begins for non-exempt employees at 40 hours, however there are no federal limits on employee overtime. Overtime is unavoidable on your labor cost chart, but it need not continue. Employers decide whether workers can work overtime.

  • Match staffing to demand

Demand-based staffing does not always entail hiring more. Learn to schedule more efficiently to reduce overtime. Smart scheduling ensures that you have enough workers when things are busy and not too many when things are slow. Check your scheduling or personnel management software for staffing and demand. 

In conclusion, reducing overtime saves money and creates a better, more balanced workplace for your employees. Intelligent scheduling, organizational culture, and work-hour optimization techniques may balance productivity and employee well-being.